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10 Website Branding and Marketing Tips and Techniques

10 Website Branding and Marketing Tips and Techniques
Website branding, in plain English, is the backbone of any company, where all offers, products, policies, pricing, strategies and business developments are done, under the huge umbrella of marketing.

Present below is a list of 10 tips, that will help increase your awareness on the very concept of branding and marketing:
  • With regards to website branding, your brand name should always be easy to remember, pronounce over the phone and should be the same as your domain name.
  • Your slogan should say exactly what you do or it should at least be some what related to the field you are operating in. If not, then your logo design should handle this task.
  • Your website should have a unified brand identity. This simply means that your Logo and any other icon, should have an overall flow. All these items should walk together, they should be in the same colors, fonts and have a similar concept.
  • Always try to use your personal email and not the free ones, that are provided by Google, yahoo or MSN.
  • Include a Link to your website within your signature,it’s pretty cool.
  • Use social sites such as, Facebook, Twitter and Orkut to find out what people are saying about your brand.
  • Also make sure that you have custom made business cards, that fit in with the brand identity of your company.
Overall, website branding is a difficult task and therefore it would be wise to hand over such a task to the professionals.
